Postgres methods

  • box.ui_notification_forall(topic text, payload json) sends out the notification to all connected clients
  • box.ui_notification(topic text, users text[], payload json) send the notification only to the users in the users array

Notification in UI

A notification channel is automatically set up, in order to send messages from the db to the ui use the provided box.ui_notification or box.ui_notification_forall function in postgres.



SELECT box.ui_notification_forall('box-client', '{"body": "Notification test"}')

A common usage is to include the method call in a trigger, please note that for that case you may want to use PERFORM instead of SELECT, moreover the user executing the trigger must have access to box schema, that in not usually the case, a way to overcome to that limitation is to declare the trigger function as with SECURITY DEFINER that way the trigger is executed with the privileges of the creator of the trigger, commonly the administrator.

Websocket channel

It may be useful to exploit the websocket channel for other applications than the notification on the box-ui client (i.e. another client using box as backend), a client may subscribe to a topic by opening a websocket on the following path:

/api/v1/notifications/<topic name>

where topic name is the first parameter of the postgres defined functions.

Tech notes

The websocket relay on the LISTEN/NOTIFY functionality of PostgreSQL Unfortunately the JDBC implementation of this is partial so the LISTEN functionality is implemented as long polling, instead of an ideal reactive implementation as suggested by the Postgres JDBC documentation